Over 150 delegates from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums attended a presentation on Global Species Management Plans in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA on Monday September 9, 2019. Action Indonesia was the predominant focus of this lecture and highlighted the creation of the GSMP, species representatives and the Education Working Group including Action Indonesia Day.
The panel consisted of:
Julia Klumb
Graphics and Exhibits Manager, Zoo Miami
Action Indonesia GSMP, Education working Group (Moderator)
Jamie Jackson
Youth Development Coordinator, Audubon Zoo
Action Indonesia GSMP, Education working Group.
John Andrews
Population Biologist, AZA Population Management Center, Lincoln Park Zoo
Action Indonesia GSMP, Anoa Population Management Working Group Leader
Steve Metzler
Curator of Mammals, San Diego Zoo Safari Park
Action Indonesia GSMP, Banteng Population Working Group Leader, Husbandry and Training Working Group Leader, Banteng SSP coordinator
Joe Barkowski
VP of Animal Conservation & Science, Tulsa Zoo
WCMC Incoming Vice Chair of SSPs and Studbooks
Joe Forys
Curator of Large Mammals, Audubon Zoo
Action Indonesia GSMP, Babirusa GSMP Convener, Husbandry and Training Working Group Leader, Babirusa SSP Coordinator
Kristine Schad Eebes M.S.,
Director, AZA Population Management Center at Lincoln Park Zoo
Mark Myers
Curator of Birds, Woodland Park Zoo
Blue-crowned Laughing Thrush GSMP Convener