A new article about Action Indonesia was published in December! The article: ‘Progress of the Action Indonesia GSMPs 2016-2020: Global collaboration to conserve the anoa, banteng, babirusa and Sumatran tiger’ was featured in the December issue of BULLetin, the journal of the IUCN SSC Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group. It describes the background and development of the Action Indonesia partnership since it started in 2016, and summarises its achievements from then to 2020.
This article was a truly collaborative effort, with 26 expert authors from the Action Indonesia partnership and the Sumatran tiger GSMP sharing their experiences and knowledge. It was a great opportunity to reflect on the huge progress that the GSMP has made over the past four years, and to look ahead to activities that we can pursue together for the conservation of the anoa, babirusa, banteng and Sumatran tiger.
Many thanks to all the authors that were involved in writing this article, and to Martín Zordan and Paula Cerdán from WAZA for reviewing it prior to publication. The article is available here, we highly recommend reading it to find out more about the Action Indonesia GSMP and our activities!
Action Indonesia in the Zoological Association of America (ZAA) Journal
An article on Action Indonesia was also featured in the Fall 2020 issue of the Zoological Association of America (ZAA) Journal. The article ‘Anoa, Banteng and Babirusa: Working Together to Conserve Charismatic Indonesian Species From Extinction’ described the work of Action Indonesia and invited member institutions to get involved. It also featured a section on care and husbandry considerations for zoos interested in becoming holders of the species. This was an excellent opportunity to profile the GSMP and encourage engagement from over 500 ZAA members in more than 60 accredited facilities!